
The Wells Clinic
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About this location

At The Wells Clinic, we know your time is precious and that caring for your health is very important. Our mission is to give you more of our time to provide you with personalised service. We offer a broader range of consultation times and employ evidence-based, cutting edge investigations and treatments so that we can achieve optimal results. Our aim is never to become too large or too impersonal as we value continuity of care for our patients and take a patient-centred approach. We aim to take things back to the way GP care ‘used to be’ in striving to preserve healthy doctor-patient relationships with trust and honesty at the heart of each one. Our practitioners want to get to know and understand more about you and your family’s needs so we can work with you in achieving better health.

Contact us

Robert Denholm House
01737 824922
Get directions (opens in Google Maps)
01737 824922


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