
The Sloane Street Surgery
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About this location

Our practice has seven highly-experienced GPs with a range of medical interests and expertise.

Sloane Street Surgery is a private GP practice in London. It was founded in 1997 and is located in the heart of Chelsea. The practice is committed to providing the highest standard of care to its patients.

Sloane Street Surgery offers a range of services, including:

Extended appointments of up to 60 minutes with one of its highly experienced private GPs.

A clinical yet relaxing environment where patients will feel welcome and have the privacy to discuss their concerns.

Sloane Street Surgery is committed to providing its patients with the highest standard of care. The practice is staffed by highly experienced and qualified doctors who are dedicated to providing their patients with the best possible care. Sloane Street Surgery also offers a range of services that are not available on the NHS, such as extended appointments and proactive health checks.

If patients are looking for a private GP practice that provides the highest standard of care, then Sloane Street Surgery is the right choice for them. The practice is staffed by highly experienced and qualified doctors who are dedicated to providing their patients with the best possible care. Sloane Street Surgery also offers a range of services that are not available on the NHS, such as extended appointments and proactive health checks. In addition to the above, Sloane Street Surgery offers a number of other benefits to its patients, including:

Convenient location in the heart of Chelsea

Modern facilities

Online booking system

If you are looking for a private GP practice that offers the highest standard of care and a range of additional benefits, then Sloane Street Surgery is the right choice for you.

Contact us

Fordie House 82
Get directions (opens in Google Maps)
0207 245 9333


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