King's Lynn

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Are you looking to find a private GP near this [location name]?
Find A Private GP lists all private GPs in [insert location], enabling you to find and book at your nearest private GP service. NHS primary care and GP services in [location name] are stretched, and it isn't always possible to see a GP when and where you want. Using Find A Private GP, you can find a GP offering private services in [insert location] and you'll often be able to get a same-day appointment.

Get seen today by an expert private GP in [location name]
Private GPs are fully qualified general practitioners operating outside of the parameters of NHS. Private GPs can often offer extended appointments or private GP appointments on the same-day, meaning you can be seen by a private GP when you want and for as long as you want. Private GPs are available in person or online, and can offer a full range of services including basic advice and reassurance, examinations, private prescriptions, referrals and sick notes.

How private GPs can help

Appointments and advice - Routine advice for regular health concerns. Book private GP appointments at this location online with Find A Private GP

Examinations - Whilst there are many video private GP services, through Find A Private GP, you can find nearby face-to-face GPs, who can examine you in-person today

Prescriptions - Private GPs can offer you private prescriptions, often delivered or collected from a nearby pharmacy

Referrals - If your GP determines that you need a referral, they will normally be able to refer you to private specialists in their network, or write an 'open referral' for any specialist to accept

Sick notes - Like an NHS general practitioner, private GPs can assess your ability to work or attend school, and where appropriate write sick notes